Finally I m ready for my first of many upcoming blogs .........Here I cum ..................
Those of u who haven't seen 'V FOR VENDETTA' can suck on my cock ................( sooo sorry 4 the language but i can't help it, i m an asshole) ........plzzzzzzzz i request all of u to devote 2 significant hours of ur busy day to be a couch potato n' watch this phenomenal movie by none other than the makers of the MATRIX ........, why am i devoting a post to write abt a movie ????Is this a movie review blog ????????? Am I a movie pirate???????
No, I m just an Average Joe, just another guy bloggin' I just want to show how much a pretence, a unreal show which has nothing to do with the reality,a movie cud be unbelievebly inspiring n' motivating..............
"Remember , Remember the Fifth of November,
The gunpowder treason and plot,
I know of no reason the gunpowder treason,
should ever be forgot "
this movie reshaped my definations abt freedom n democracy ......................n i m sure it should n it will inspire every fuckin one of u ( WHAT !!!!!!!!! u thought tht i ll not resort 2 my normal behaviour)
This brings us to the heart of this post "WHAT IS FREEDOM ?????????"
It is some thing we take granted for ............... everyday, every hour,every minute n every second of our life is indebted to those people who lost their lives to achieve freedom..... and we go on with our lives without even thinkin' for a moment ..............that what if .......what if someday the thing we enjoy so casually is taken away from us ...............
This movie depicts a society where freedom is a a myth ,something abt which stories r told and written ............
Have we ever asked ourselves that are we truly free ?????????
its an introspect that we should all give it a abt for a minute or two ................
Child Labour, Communal brutality,Hunger, Poverty, crime n corruption ...............(for the sake of naming a few )
If we think this is freedom then FUCK US !!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can we possibly think that our forefathers died to see our country dying everyday !!!!!!!!
We desperately need a revolution, not the one spawned by hatred, hunger, anger but the one with compassion forgiveness n righteousness........
we need a revolution within ourselves
we need to change how we look upon the society, how we mock the present system but forget tht we are an integral part of this system, we should realize that there is something wrong with our nation bcoz there's something wrong with us ......................
i can go on spitting fire n talkin crap but this is where i want to draw a line .................
i just wanna say tht watch this movie n see how can we relate ourselves to THEM ...............